Christmas Fair 11th December 2024
What a wonderful day we had today! The atmosphere was electric around the school from start to finish. From early morning the excitement was building over the upcoming visit from Santa. The senior classroom was a hive of activity with children from 3rd -6th class adding the final touches to their displays and items for sale in the afternoon.
Many thanks to all those who helped out in any way to make today the massive success it was, the children in 3rd -6th class themselves who, together with their parents worked tirelessly and with copious amounts of enthusiasm over the last couple of weeks, the children in Junior & Senior Infants & 1st & 2nd who put on a wonderful display of singing under the guidance of Ms. Maguire, to the parents who helped serve the hot chocolate, juice & tasty treats, to all the parents, grandparents, extended families and the wider community of Ballintogher who came along in such wonderful numbers to support us. It was heartening to see and is very much appreciated.